Tuesday, January 17, 2012


last week it was my roomie jen's birthday.
(isn't she the cutest?)
so we got on a bus and headed over to west jerusalem.
it felt like a party bus, 
and we all felt like we were on our way to a high school dance.
there were blue lights on the ceiling,
and the moment our driver turned on an american radio station
 we all freaked out as if it were the first time we had ever heard music.
 first stop: josh's flag football game.
so fun.
kids from all over the world on one team,
and kids playing in kippas on the other team.
megan and i decided we will be the ultimate soccer moms.
 (continuing with the high school feel--our own sideline cheerleaders)
 next stop: gelato.
best. idea. ever.
and i finally got myself some diet coke.
it's funny how refreshing being outside at night can feel.

we're not allowed out in the old city (where we live) after dark,
and in west jerusalem we have to take a taxi and be with boys,
so it doesn't happen that often.
we were all dancing on the side of the road,
and so hyper it was ridiculous.
it almost felt like we'd escaped prison.
(okay fine. i'm dramatic.)
but honestly, nothing compares to being in the city at night.

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