Monday, August 27, 2012


You know that missing piece of my heart I was just complaining about? Yeah, well, it's been filled. Last week, just about everyone from Jerusalem went to Bear Lake, and thanks to SJ and Stuart, we were all able to stay together on one little resort. Oh, I could not have been happier. Hugging and screaming and dancing and incessant chatter filled the entire week. Seriously, every time someone new walked in the door, the entire group ran up and attacked them. It was heavenly. I actually felt like I was being reunited with my family. I wish I could describe it better, but I just can't. These people really are like family. We all know each other so well, and yet, we love each other, regardless of all those little quirks we have. I could not have asked for a better last week of summer. As we were leaving, there was talk of building a "Jerusalem house", so we could all just live together forever. (Seriously, mortgage and rent payments were calculated. I still don't see the downside.) I love these people. Most of all, I love that no matter where we are together, we all have a little piece of home.

And yes, we did hold our very own Olympics--synchronized swimming, volleyball, medal ceremony, and all.

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