Wednesday, February 23, 2011

the cookie market.

for years now, amy and i have said that the girl scouts have this absurd hold on the cookie market. here is our proof. 

please note the living situation. there are roommates and husbands and children involved. no wonder she was worried about missing cookies. i would be too with all those greedy little mouths running around salivating over my thin mints. 

2. daniel tosh (tosh.0) tweeted today, "girl scout cookies are here! $4 for a box of samoas, HA! i would have paid $20 you sash wearing freak."

proof that not only are people willing to pay absurd amounts of money for a measley box of cookies, but they are also willing to fight their friends with "deadly weapons" (you know..scissors).

that being said, i cannot wait to get MY cookies tomorrow. thank you mommy for making sure my box of thin mints and tag-a-longs are gently tucked away in your suitcase and ready to meet me in vegas.


  1. what! there are cookies in vegas! i'm so going to eat them all before you even arrive :)

  2. the girl scouts' grip on the market is loosening... keebler is making its way in with imitations. FINALLY. i swear there's some underground laws that secure the girl scout cookie monopoly. i sincerely hope there's some in your freezer come summer time. also.. no idea who daniel tosh is but i love him.
